Loving Your Body
Self-love begins with you
Would you like to feel more confident about your body?
Are you finding peri-menopause or menopause challenging with changes in your body?
Before we see results and undertake any program we need to have the right mindset otherwise once we hit a block we give up and back to square one.
LOVE Yourself in 90-days
October 15 2022 – January 15 2023
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Meet Your Mentor
Mei Flynn
Holistic Confidence Coach
Mei is a FREE SPIRIT and the nomadic lifestyle travelling the world inspiring others that cross her path. She’s British but currently living in Spain after spending the last 4 years backpacking around Asia. Her passion is working with people who would like to create the Digital Nomad or Expat Lifestyle to look at what’s REALLY holding them back and supporting them to take steps to make it happen.