Fertility Coach Susan Ritchie | Photo by Ursula Kelly @ Studiosoftbox.co.uk

Sue Ritchie

Holistic Fertility Coach | Gut Health and Nutrition | Author | Speaker


February 2022
Feb 22 2022


LIVE Online on Zoom
April 2022
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Meet Sue

“The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in the emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all parts work together.”

– Kurdish saying

I am a Fertility Coach who works with women and ideally their partners (because it does take 2 to tango!), who are struggling to conceive. As well as those who have just decided they want to have a baby and want to do everything they can to increase their chances of success.

I strongly believe that in today’s modern world that it is important to take the time to prepare for conception as it not only increases your chances of success and conceiving more quickly. It also increases the chances of having a healthy baby. To me that is very important and something we all want, but it’s better not to leave it to chance.

I found myself at 30, single with a strong sense and dread that my body clock was ticking. I experienced that rollercoaster of emotions that come with longing to have children. I did, however, conceive my first child at 36 and my second at 39 totally naturally. I am so grateful for having these beautiful souls in my life.

I take an holistic approach that focuses on helping you to optimise all of the factors that have an impact on fertility. Some of these you may never have even considered could be getting in the way of achieving your dream. Nothing pleases me more than to see couples step into parenthood, living healthy, happy and positive lives, as this is the best gift you can give to your child.

I am the author of the award-winning book Love your Gut and co-writer of 5 others. I regularly have articles published in magazines and speak on the radio, podcasts and at events. I have a home in the UK and also on the Costa del Sol in Spain and I love cooking and experimenting with new dishes.

Meet the Author Interview


Upcoming Presentations

Stress and Fertility: Discover why reducing stress increases your chances of conceiving

Stress and Fertility: Discover why reducing stress increases your chances of conceiving

Is your glass half full?:  Find out why your mindset affects your fertility

Is your glass half full?: Find out why your mindset affects your fertility
