TAKE what you NEED. LEAVE what you DON’T. – Members Exclusive
We often fill our basket with so many things (e.g. tasks, responsibilities, projects, etc.) that the basket is already full by the time we find something meaningful to us. A credible & powerful case to be selective, to say NO and to let go in order to make room for what is truly meant for you.
LOVE Yourself in 90-days
October 15 2022 – January 15 2023
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Meet Your Mentor
Diana Mereu
Coach | Consultant | Author
As a coach, Diana dedicates herself to advancing people’s journeys from functional to fantastical through mindset pivot techniques. Dotting the “i” by choice, rather than by chance, became her mantra while breaking new ground towards the future of personal transformation. Her innate creativity is well reflected in her debut book “On the LookOUT – for the better half”, where she discloses a part of her soul creating a manifesto on self-love.
FIND OUT MORE at dianamereu.com.