Our special collection of on-demand videos along with must-read books – carefully selected to support entrepreneurs in the service industry.

LYP40 On-demand Videos

Create your 2023 Energy Vision Board with Stephanie Thompson
To help you get started and visualize the life you want to live!

Video 1 - Introducing 12 steps to launch your services business

Video 2 - How to find your tribe

Video 3 - Your long-term vision

Video 4 - How to market your offer

Video 5 - Finding your theme for 2023

Video 6 - Presentation Skills, including developing your elevator pitch

Video 7 - Setting ACTION goals

Video 8 - Automating your services business

Video 9 - Setting a 90-day goal and rituals

Video 10 - Set the stage for success: Home Office design set up

Video 11 - Self-love and Video

Video 12 - Online vs In-Person vs On-stage. What's the difference?
Recommended Reading
Inside LYP40

The Go Giver
by Bob Burg and John David Mann
The Go Giver offers an alternative set of business success principles built on giving and adding value to others. These laws were originally written to help businesses to increase sales and profits, but were found to also improve relationships and success in life.
Available on Amazon

The Saint The Surfer and The CEO
by Robin Sharma
Within this extraordinary book, you will discover practical yet powerful processes to re-create your life and reconnect with your best self. You will truly enjoy meeting the 3 key people who help Jack Valentine, the book’s hero: First, in Rome, where he meets ‘the Saint’. Then on a beach in Hawaii Jack is introduced to ‘the Surfer’. And finally in New York City, he encounters ‘the CEO’.
Available on Amazon

Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional
by Eric Worre
Practical, experience-driven advice delivered in a way that incites Worre’s passion for network marketing in the reader, giving them the motivation and tools they need to apply those lessons to real-life situations.
Available on Amazon